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Buy Merhandrostenolone
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Domestic shipping in China, USA, and Europe (1-2 business days) for $25 (Flat Rate). International shipping (8-10 business days) for $25 (Flat Rate).
Merhandrostenolone, Buy Merhandrostenolone Online
Merhandrostenolone, also known as Dianabol, is a powerful anabolic steroid widely used in bodybuilding to enhance muscle growth and strength. It is one of the most popular oral steroids due to its fast-acting properties and effectiveness in bulking cycles.
This compound helps retain nitrogen in the muscles, promoting protein synthesis and rapid recovery. It is ideal for athletes looking to gain size and strength in a short period.
Product Details:
Place of Origin: China
Product Name: Merhandrostenolone
IUPAC: 17β-Hydroxy-17α-methyl-androsta-1,4-dien-3-one
MF: C20H28O2
Purity: >99.5%
Appearance: White Crystalline Powder
Dosage: 10mg per tablet
Production Capacity: 1,000,000 tablets/month
Packing: Blister Pack or Plastic Bag
Payment Terms:
Payment Terms: Bitcoin, Other
Delivery & Shipping Terms:
1. We will ship the goods within 1 day after payment.
2. We will ship the goods by UPS, EMS, DHL, TNT, or FEDEX. We will choose the best courier depending on different countries, and find the safest way to deliver the goods for you.
3. Delivery time EMS: 5-14 days. DHL/UPS/FedEx: 4-7 days.
4. Customs in countries like Russia, Australia, and Canada is very strict, but we can ensure 100% delivery.
5. As usual, you can get the goods within 4-7 days. If the goods are lost or not received for other reasons, we’ll resend them.
Order Samples:
You can order samples below (scroll to the bottom of the page) using Bitcoin for payment. For wholesale orders, please contact us.
Wholesale Orders are NOT accepted UNLESS:
We do not accept wholesale orders unless a sample order has been placed and confirmed (delivered with success). Do not inquire about wholesale orders unless you have a verified sample order ID.
10 Kits / $215 / Buy Now
15 Kits / $310 / Buy Now
20 Kits / $450 / Buy Now
In Stock > 10,000 Capsules
Domestic stock in China, USA, and Europe > 2,000 Capsules in each location.