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Aromasin - Premium Aromatase Inhibitor
Aromasin (Exemestane) is a leading aromatase inhibitor used to reduce estrogen levels in the body. It is highly effective for hormone-sensitive conditions, including the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women and as part of bodybuilders' post-cycle therapy (PCT). Aromasin provides reliable support by preventing estrogen-related side effects like water retention and gynecomastia.
Product Details:
Place of Origin: China
Product Name: Aromasin (Exemestane)
Purity: >99.5%
Appearance: Tablets
Dosage: 25mg per tablet
Packing: Sealed blister packs
Production Capacity: 50,000 units/month
Payment Terms:
Payment Methods: Bitcoin, BNB, USDT, Ethereum
Delivery & Shipping Terms:
1. Goods will be shipped within 1 day of payment.
2. Trusted shipping partners include DHL, EMS, FedEx, UPS, and TNT.
3. Delivery time: EMS (5-14 days), DHL/UPS/FedEx (4-7 days).
4. Customs clearance guaranteed for most regions.
5. Lost or undelivered shipments will be resent upon verification.
Order Samples:
Order samples below using Bitcoin or other payment methods. For bulk purchases, please contact our team for a detailed quote and additional support.
6 Boxes / $135 / Buy Now
10 Boxes / $635 / Buy Now
In Stock > 10,000 Units
Stock available in China, USA, and Europe > 2,000 Units in each location.